Manac Belly Dump Trailer

Lot Number:201
Start Time:6/9/2021 3:00:00 PM
End Time:6/30/2021 4:02:00 PM
Bid Count:103
High Bidder:13080
Starting Bid:$10.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$19,100.00
Bidding complete
Reserve met

2007 Manac LWBD-240 Belly Dump Trailer VIN:5MC1116227P007498. Mfg: 09/06. Air brakes. License plate will be removed. Driver side spring hanger will need to be replaced. This item is "Used" and may contain unknown defects. BIDDER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTING MERCHANDISE BEFORE BIDDING. THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE TRUE TO THE BEST OF KNOWLEDGE AND IS TO BE USED AS A GUIDE ONLY. ITEM IS BEING SOLD AS IS, WHERE IS WITH ALL FAULTS AND DEFECTS. NO WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES IMPLIED OR EXPRESSED. AuctioneerExpress will not and cannot guarantee any Mileage or Hours provided. Mileage on vehicles 10 years old or older is exempt and may not be disclosed. Any discrepancies with any item must be brought to the seller's attention before item is removed from premises.

There are no bids for the lot at this time

No donations for this lot

Ferguson 9-Tire Pneumatic Roller
Volvo L-70 Front End Loader
Case 680L Backhoe
Ingersoll Rand DD-35 Articulating Steel Wheel Roller
Construction Trailer Specialist BDT-40 Belly Dump
Tanker Trailer
Manac Dump Trailer
Big Tex Trailer
International Dump Truck
Dodge 2500 Trucks
Chevrolet 2500 Truck
Lincoln Ranger 8 Welder/Generator
Fuel Tank w/Pump
Warren Spreader Boxes
Backhoe/Excavator Buckets
Liquid Storage Tanks
Powerex Air Compressor

Total of 23 Lots.

500 North Highway 69
Leonard, Texas 75452
United States
Contact: Commissioner: A.J. Self
Phone: (214) 952-1370

Monday-Thursday. 9:00-3:00. By Appointment!

Items must be removed within 7 business days.